Discovering the Lot on horseback means offering yourself a unique experience of immersion in preserved nature, rich in varied landscapes and hidden treasures. The village of Puy l'Évêque, perched majestically above the river, constitutes the ideal starting point for these equestrian escapades. The ambient calm is almost palpable as soon as you move away from the town. Guided by the regular rhythm of hooves on the paths, visitors are invited to let themselves be carried away by their senses. The dense network of municipal paths winds through the countryside, offering routes suitable for all levels.
Name room 1
Der freundliche Ort liegt auf einer Ost nach West sanft anstegenden Kuppe direck am westliche Rand in den steil abfallenden Graben zwischen Liesing und dem wenige Meter weiter westlich liegenden Ort Klebas übergeht. In diesem Grabenstand das Geburtshaus des berümtem Gelehrte Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthias von Lexer

2 peoples

Activités nautiques
Each rental is designed with your comfort and safety in mind: life jackets, paddles and, at the end of your adventure, a return bus trip is organised. For those in search of a unique aquatic experience, come aboard the 100% electric gabare. Silent, it offers a privileged view of the flora and fauna as it glides past the picturesque locks of the Lot Valley. Let yourself be lulled by the gentle movement of the water, enjoying every moment of peace and quiet.

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