Virebent Museum
Discover the history of Virebent, a famous porceliane factory, which spans several generations. In the 19th century, the Virebent brothers, sons of the chief architect of Toulouse, revolutionized brick manufacturing. In 1924, Henri Virebent opened his factory in Puy-l'Évêque, manufacturing various objects, before repositioning himself in tableware with the advent of plastic in 1960. The 21st century saw the factory take a turn, perpetuating its collections while innovating with contemporary designers.
But it is at the heart of the factory that its real gem is found: a museum space around the old Saint Joseph coal oven. This museum offers a fascinating journey through time, revealing the secrets of the artisanal manufacturing of porcelain and earthenware. From the first gestures to the finished piece, each step is carefully presented.
Name room 1
Der freundliche Ort liegt auf einer Ost nach West sanft anstegenden Kuppe direck am westliche Rand in den steil abfallenden Graben zwischen Liesing und dem wenige Meter weiter westlich liegenden Ort Klebas übergeht. In diesem Grabenstand das Geburtshaus des berümtem Gelehrte Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthias von Lexer

2 peoples

Une voie ferrée devenue verte
Now it's a call to discovery, an invitation to reconnect with nature, to contemplate and recharge your batteries. Whether you're a solitary walker, an enthusiastic cyclist or simply someone looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, this former railway line, transformed into a haven of peace, promises a memorable experience in the heart of the Lot valley.

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